Kari J

In short, hearing Tressen speak has helped change the trajectory of my life.

It was as if Tressen’s presentation was just for me as everything she talked about was something I needed to hear.

It touched my soul. How pivotal that hour was.

Her heart and knowledge are expansive, and her enthusiasm is contagious. She’s the real deal!

Suzanne H

I knew I was in for something amazing from the moment I entered the room; Tressen exudes an energy of love, acceptance, and peace.

Her talk was nothing short of transformative; she reached into my heart through the details of her own experiences and inspired me to shake off the old labels of who I thought I was.

Since her session, I’ve gained insight on my purpose and the confidence to launch a business that is fulfilling and meaningful.

Kellie A

I heard Tressen speak at a Women’s retreat and it simply changed my life.

I walked into the retreat skeptical, closed up and completely guarded. Tressen began to speak, and I could instantly feel the tears start to fall.

The way that Tressen makes you dive deep within YOUR SOUL vs diving deep into your past – is life changing.

She not only gives you the tools but she will also teach you how to use them. I highly recommend her to anyone looking for change.


Tressen Bryant

Activating upgraded core beliefs that support a life you love is the most important thing you’ll ever do for yourself.
When you were born into this world you didn’t have imposter syndrome, you didn’t know the feeling of lack. Fear wasn’t dominating your decisions, and you didn’t know what “not good enough” was. You were you. An amazing, perfect, beautiful soul, in your new body. Then life began happening and you began to form beliefs and an identity based on the meaning you assigned to your emotions and experiences.
We fully embrace the core beliefs and identities that help us to thrive but what can be done about the ones that are stealing our joy, creating addictions, keeping us from authentically expressing ourselves, holding us back from reaching our goals, operating in survival mode, or just getting by?
Hello, my name is Tressen Bryant of Lovin Life Coaching. I am a bold keynote speaker and a certified health and life coach.
I help audiences transform the damaging events of their lives into dynamic moments of change, by activating and upgrading a belief system that fully supports a life they love.
I love speaking to audiences that positively influence the core beliefs and identity of those they serve: ERG, parent groups, educators, human resources, health & fitness instructors, women’s groups, men’s groups, and LGBTQ+ advocates. I am available for 2024 and would love to collaborate with you and your team on the goals you have for your event.
Together we will make a difference.
Live the Life YOU Love,

Transform your audience's experience: Reserve Tressen for a speaker/workshop today!

Connect with Tressen to discuss your needs for an upcoming event, retreat, or conference. Let’s work together on your event goals!